Inverse shoulder prosthesis restores pain-free mobility

In the case of severe shoulder diseases such as advanced arthrosis or after shoulder fractures, the motor of the shoulder, the rotator cuff, is often no longer functional in patients. Those affected have two major problems: Massive pain and they are significantly restricted in carrying out everyday activities such as combing, fetching a coffee cup from the shelf or simply [...]
Professor Maier investigates injuries to the biceps anchor of the shoulder

Lesions on the biceps anchor of the shoulder are a common cause of shoulder pain, especially in the athletic patient who practises overhead sports such as tennis, golf, volleyball, handball, basketball: Prof. Dr. med. M. Maier from the Swabian Joint Centre and the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital in Heidelberg are investigating the extent to which these injuries can be better diagnosed using specific MRI diagnostics. Diagnostic [...]
Professor Maier brings back shoulder function

Prof. Dr. med. M. Maier and his shoulder team at the Swabian Joint Center bring back shoulder function. A happy patient recently sent Professor Dr. med. M. Maier the following feedback, which we would like to share here: "Chronic shoulder pain after a fall In January 2020, I had three tendons in my shoulder due to a fall [...]